closed for renovations

The restau­rant is closed this week to facil­i­tate the instal­la­tion of a new floor in the kitchen, as well as some shiny new stoves. Back open on Thurs­day 30th Jan­u­ary, with a new menu. Reser­va­tions are open here — reser­va­tions

Since open­ing in Octo­ber 1993, Par­adiso has long been cel­e­brated for its inno­v­a­tive veg­etable cui­sine and its ground­break­ing devel­op­ment of rela­tion­ships with grow­ers, pro­duc­ers and cheesemakers.

Now some­thing of an iconic insti­tu­tion in the Cork din­ing scene and the wider Irish food cul­ture, Par­adiso con­tin­ues to evolve and move for­ward, par­tic­u­larly since the arrival in 2023 of head chef, Miguel Fru­tos, who has lay­ered his own unique cre­ativ­ity onto the kitchen reper­toire, cre­at­ing multi-​course menus of elab­o­rate dishes focused on the best sea­sonal vegetables.

In the din­ing room, restau­rant man­ager and som­me­lier Dave O’Mahony matches the food to a wine pair­ing of nat­ural wines and, with his din­ing room team, pro­vides a relaxed, friendly and knowl­edge­able ser­vice to make every Par­adiso expe­ri­ence uniquely enjoyable.

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Our menu is six courses at €68 per person.

A vegan ver­sion of the menu is always available.

We can also adapt the menu to a gluten-​free diet if notice is given when book­ing. How­ever, given the nature of the menu, we are not able to accom­mo­date all dietary restric­tions. If you have any aller­gies other than gluten, please call the restau­rant before mak­ing a reser­va­tion to see if it is possible.

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